Tidbits - July 2, 2020 - Reader Comments: Today's Movement; American Fascism; Carl Reiner and Black Lives Matter; Confederate Monuments; Defund the Military; Police Violence; Slavery in Illinois; Laundry Workers & COVID; Student Voting; Concert for Cuba
Re: Make It Last; Make It Grow! (Joe Maizlish)
Re: American Fascism: It Has Happened Here (Eleanor Roosevelt; Joel LeFevre; Joy Ann Grune; Lawrence Sims; Sandy Grubb; Mateo Owen; Enid Magali)
Celebrating Carl Reiner (1922 - 2020)
Re: You Want a Confederate Monument? My Body Is a Confederate Monument (Ro Peterson; Brent Reifers; Ann Pohl; Thayre Angliss; Eric Poole; Philip Specht)
Re: As Teddy Roosevelt's Statue Falls, Let's Remember How Truly Dark His History Was (Lawrence Rockwood; Robert Politzer)
An Original Monument to Slavery that Needs to Go...the Electoral College
Independence Day - The Great Unmasked Celebrate Their Independence -- cartoon by Rob Rogers
Re: Tipping The Nuclear Dominoes (John Palladino; Ray Markey)
Re: 60+ Groups Demand Senate Pass Sanders Amendment to Slash 'Out of Control' Pentagon Budget by $74 Billion (Sandy Forwood-Richardson; Justino Rodriguez)
Re: All Workers Must Stand Against Police Violence (Mary Ann Bohlke)
Re: Report on Broken Windows Spending Bolsters Call to Redirect $1 Billion of NYPD Budget to Harmed Communities (Daniel Zaharchuk)
Re: Revealed: Police Unions Spend Millions To Influence Policy In Biggest US Cities (Joy Schulman)
Re: Mathematicians Urge Colleagues to Boycott Police Work in Wake of Killings (Disraelly Gutierrez Jaime; Javier Biaggi)
Re: Slavery Existed in Illinois, but Schools Don't Always Teach That History (Tony Austin; Steven Halpern; Scott Pearson; Mike Liston; Jerry Huckman)
Re: Evanston's Road to Reparations (Linda Norcross)
Re: The Secret History of New England's Sundown Towns (Sally Everson; Stephen Wright; Sandy Ruiz)
Re: The History of the “Riot” Report (Joseph Kaye; Lydia Brady; Olga I. Rodriguez)
Welcome to the La Quarantine -- cartoon by Lalo Alcaraz
Re: Families of 3 Deceased Workers Sue Tyson Over Outbreak at Iowa Meatpacking Plant (April Parker; Kelli Winkler)
Re: Europeans' Trust in US as World Leader Collapses During Pandemic (Joe Mello; Felice Sage)
Re: My Roy Cohn, and Ours (Gillian Solivagi)
Re: Vietnamese Lives, American Imperialist Views, Even in ‘Da 5 Bloods’ (Arthur Calvin)
Re: Five Books About Food and Black Identity (Nancy Schimmel)
Re: Maria Ressa’s Libel Conviction Is a Blow to Press Freedom (Dave Ecklein)
New York City Laundry Workers Struggle in the Face of COVID-19 (Amir Khafagy in The Appeal)
Faculty Network for Student Voting Rights is Growing - Join Us
Volunteer Slack to help continue coordinating and organizing for needed, progressive change in this country (BernieSanders.com)
New Report! Workers and Learners in Los Angeles County (UCLA Labor Center)
Authoritarianism or Democracy? Noam Chomsky, Van Gosse, Ty dePass (Massachusetts Peace Action)
Renter Nation Training Series Curriculum & Organizing Toolkit Launch (Right To The City Alliance)
Muslims Roll-Out Against Police Violence - Oakland - July 4 (Lighthouse Mosque)
CONCERT FOR CUBA: A Star Studded Extravaganza July 18 & 19 (Instituto Cubano de la Música /The Cuban Institute of Music and HotHouse)
Beyond Connecting the Dots: Building a United Racial Justice Movement, from the US to Palestine - July 18 (Eyewitness Palestine)
Re: Make It Last; Make It Grow!
One helpful component of the current uprising that doesn't seem to have been present as much in past ones is a more developed wisdom about group process and inclusion. And since inclusion is the goal of the uprising, the current rising has the great advantage of identity between means and ends.
Joe Maizlish,
Los Angeles
Re: American Fascism: It Has Happened Here
it goes back into the slime and the muck of the Christian Frontists and the Coughlinites and all the Fascist cults of the late thirties and there you will find the roots of modern Trumpism.
Eleanor Roosevelt
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
none too subtle
Joel LeFevre
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
An interesting analysis of fascisms changing historic expressions. While i think the threat of fascism is increasingly implicit with Trump, its disturbing that i have never seen analyses like these include an analysis of all the disgusting forms of woman hating, smearing, violence taking place. Still remains so invisible to "serious students of history and the left."
Joy Ann Grune
Trump is acting like he doesn't care if people die
Lawrence Sims
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Stephan Miller. I would not be surprised one bit that he is behind at least some if not all of the more heinous moves done by this clown show.
Sandy Grubb
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
I read Paxton's work: his argument that the KKK was the first fascist movement is pretty compelling...
Mateo Owen
Fooled everyone with the emails and the "lock her up" and the "build the wall," and never prosecuted Hillary, because he had nothing on her, and he has only built three miles of wall in four years which Mexico is not paying for. He didn't act soon enough against coronavirus and he didn't know our troops were under attack from Russia. The fool is more concerned with the wellbeing of confederate statues than the health of his people. He has divided Americans into masked and unmasked, empowered racism, and revived nazism. He needs to go!
Enid Magali
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Celebrating Carl Reiner (1922 - 2020)
In a photo that appears to have been taken during Mel Brooks’ 94th birthday celebration on June 28, the director and his lifelong friend, collaborator and dinner companion Carl Reiner and Reiner’s daughter Annie were seen sporting Black Lives Matter t-shirts.
Re: You Want a Confederate Monument? My Body Is a Confederate Monument
I am a black, Southern woman, and of my immediate white male ancestors, all of them were rapists. My very existence is a relic of slavery and Jim Crow.
White Southern men - my ancestors - took what they wanted from women they did not love, over whom they had extraordinary power, and then failed to claim their children.
The black people I come from were owned by the white people I come from. The white people I come from fought and died for their Lost Cause. And I ask you now, who dares to tell me to celebrate them? Who dares to ask me to accept their mounted pedestals?
I don't just come from the South. I come from Confederates. I've got rebel-gray blue blood coursing my veins. My great-grandfather Will was raised with the knowledge that Edmund Pettus was his father. Pettus, the storied Confederate general, the grand dragon of the Ku Klux Klan, the man for whom Selma's Bloody Sunday Bridge is named. So I am not an outsider who makes these demands. I am a great-great-granddaughter.
Ro Peterson
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
I don't think I've read stronger words than, "I have rape-colored skin". This is an amazing testimony from a woman, Caroline Randall Williams who carries the DNA of the grand dragon of the KKK, Edmund Pettus, the rapist Confederate the Selma bridge is named after.
Brent Reifers
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
...some say to let the past be the past and face the future, but those who say this are either speaking from the great privilege of their ancestors being highly advantaged, OR because they are living in some form of denial about how privilege wore down and beat their ancestors perhaps even to the current generation.
It is time to end the ugly disastrous human experiment in colonial and imperialist thinking. These modi operandi have been based on the concepts of human "dominion" over all nature and "might makes right."
Connect the dots. Face the future with some hope. The recent planetary pause, and the abnormal situation we must currently accept, is a direct result of us humans going past the limit in messing with Ma Nature, and those modi operandi have been at the heart of those mistakes. We are still a newcomer species on this planet and look what a mess we have made, but we can mature into a much more responsible cohabitant of this lovely third rock from the sun. The time has come to a whole lot of things completely differently and to get on with that reordering right now.
Ann Pohl
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Powerful writing.
Thayre Angliss
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
The monuments glorify rapists.
Eric Poole
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Questions about racial mythology:
1) How did the races get mixed?
2) Why are the mixed always Black?
Philip Specht
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Re: As Teddy Roosevelt's Statue Falls, Let's Remember How Truly Dark His History Was
It needs to be moved inside to be an exhibit on 19th century natural scientists and RACISM
Lawrence Rockwood
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
I think this article misses the point. That statue is not being taken down because it glorifies TR. It is being taken down because it also pathetically demeans Native Americans and Africans.
Robert Politzer
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
An Original Monument to Slavery that Needs to Go...the Electoral College
Independence Day - The Great Unmasked Celebrate Their Independence -- cartoon by Rob Rogers
Rob Rogers
July 2, 2020
Re: Tipping The Nuclear Dominoes
I was wondering when "duck and cover " would be back... nuclear war brought to you by MAGA??
John Palladino
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Trump is a danger to the entire world.
Ray Markey
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
More than 60 progressive advocacy groups representing millions of members across the U.S. are pressuring senators to pass an amendment led by Sen. Bernie Sanders that would cut the proposed Pentagon budget by 10% and redirect the $74 billion in savings toward funding healthcare, education, jobs, and housing in impoverished and neglected communities.
Sandy Forwood-Richardson
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
It's a start. Thanks Bernie!
Justino Rodriguez
Re: All Workers Must Stand Against Police Violence
(posting on Portside Labor)
"Most police are drawn from working-class families. However, they then become part of an institution that is used for racist and anti-worker purposes. We understand and support the right of any group of workers to organize, but as long as the organizations formed by police use their power to defend violent and racist practices - and as long as police are used to further the interests of the employers instead of those of working-class communities - we cannot consider their orders, associations or "unions" to be part of the labor movement. These organizations have colluded with racist and anti-worker politicians to obtain contracts that effectively make prosecution of most law-breaking by police almost impossible - something none of the rest of us can negotiate. Some have been used to give cover to far-right white nationalists who have made their way onto police forces. Police are given a power that no other worker has, the right to use lethal force, and with that power must come high levels of accountability. When they feel like they can do whatever they want, they are a threat to all working people, and especially to BIPOC communities, whose voices have historically been ignored."
Mary Ann Bohlke
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Social workers already deal with bizarre and potentially dangerous cases on a daily basis. They don’t have the manpower or resources to meet demand. A fraction of the bloated police budgets in midsize/big cities across the country would make a world of difference for the people who actually have the expertise to deal with mental health and drug addiction cases effectively.
Daniel Zaharchuk
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Re: Revealed: Police Unions Spend Millions To Influence Policy In Biggest US Cities
article about police union's political contributions being an obstacle to reform was noteworthy. I wonder, however, why only police unions are being highlighted as an obstacle to reform. The management in the police unions and the DAs certainly have as much power, or more, than the police unions. Under pressure, for the past month, police chiefs have fired officers immediately and charges have been brought. We don't see the police unions interfering with these events; and presumably these chiefs and DAs had this power all along but chose not to use it, until the pressure of the demonstrations forced them to act. No doubt, police unions have defended murderers, but the systematic racism in policing is not in the unions' hands; it is in the purview of the upper ranks of the police department. By focusing on just the unions, we are letting them off the hook.
Joy Schulman, NYC
Re: Mathematicians Urge Colleagues to Boycott Police Work in Wake of Killings
More than 1,400 researchers have signed a letter calling on the discipline to stop working on predictive-policing algorithms and other models.
Disraelly Gutierrez Jaime
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
My congratulations do not be a part of criminal profiling. I urge you to study ways and systems that avoid the militarization of the police like those black uniforms to scare people with death.
Javier Biaggi
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Re: Slavery Existed in Illinois, but Schools Don't Always Teach That History
Illinois is what I would call a quasi-slave state. And what's surprising to people is that it existed here within the law. It begins with the colonial slave laws that came from France (because Illinois was a French territory).
Tony Austin
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
The best generals in the Union Army came from the West. Those Generals included Sherman, Sheridan, and Grant. Abraham Lincoln came from the West. Why was that? Unlike the reality of the East, farmers in the West had direct contact with the slave owners. A war erupted in Kansas to determine if the state would or would not be ruled by slave owners. This is not to ignore the history of slavery and racism in Illinois. We should also see that there is another side to this story.
Saying that, we can also say that after the former Civil War Union Generals worked to compromise the reconstruction governments. They also carried out a genocidal war against Native Americans. That entire history, in my opinion, helps to explain where we are today.
Steven Halpern
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
didn't know this, but am working on a novel about my great-great grandfather who lived in Illinois between 1844 and 1880 (fought for the Union as an anti-slaver, for sure). this will be in the book. thank you!!
Scott Pearson
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Years ago my first wife and I rented a car in Chicago and followed the Great River Road all along the Mississippi to Nashville, TN. A great road trip I'd recommend to anyone. We stopped in Cairo, Illinois at the southern tip of the state. The old town was a deserted wreck and the rest of the area surrounded by prosperous white suburbs. The whole place had the air of the depressed South at the time, places like Georgia, the Florida panhandle and parts of TN. Know I know why, thanks, an enlightening article,
Mike Liston
More info my textbooks left out. No history class in college taught this . I wonder why my education was filtered to teach a false narrative. More questions than answers
What are we teaching today that is incomplete or false?
Jerry Huckman
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Re: Evanston's Road to Reparations
Yay...a baby step has been taken. Kudos to the Evanston City Council for being the first step on the right side of history.
Linda Norcross
Re: The Secret History of New England's Sundown Towns
We drove through one in Mass. a couple of years ago and were escorted by a police right to the town line ...
Sally Everson
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
OMG. I'm 80 years old and had no knowledge of ANY of this. I'm so ashamed!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stephen Wright
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Something to learn about...
Sundown towns
Sandy Ruiz
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Re: The History of the “Riot” Report
The content of subsequent reports is irrelevant. The purpose has been served in steering the movement into safe channels. I remember Giuliani, during the period when an anti-police brutality movement was building steam in the midst of a succession of police outrages, commissioned a report in which the head of the NYCLU was recruited to participate. This was just prior to the Mayor elections with Giuliani standing for re-election. Immediately upon his victory, he received the report and immediately threw it into the wastebasket.
Joseph Kaye
Definitely a must read, I know it’s long but please take the time.
Lydia Brady
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Excellent read. Sad though, nothing has changed. Nothing.
Olga I. Rodriguez
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Welcome to the La Quarantine -- cartoon by Lalo Alcaraz
Lalo Alcaraz
July 2, 2020
Re: Families of 3 Deceased Workers Sue Tyson Over Outbreak at Iowa Meatpacking Plant
(posting on Portside Labor)
Tyson is an awful company anyway. Folks ought to watch Food, Inc. (I think that's the name) and decide whether they still want to buy from these giants of animal industry.
April Parker
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Good, hope they win. Tyson is evil
Kelli Winkler
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Re: Europeans' Trust in US as World Leader Collapses During Pandemic
The collapse started on January 20th, 2017.
Joe Mello
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
ummmm….. d'uh?
Felice Sage
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
(posting on Portside Culture)
Well this helps explain why every time 45 says Antifa I hear "are you now or have you ever been..."
Gillian Solivagi
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Re: Vietnamese Lives, American Imperialist Views, Even in ‘Da 5 Bloods’
(posting on Portside Culture)
Spike Lee glorifies a colonial war fought be soldiers of color against their own interests. Get Woke
Arthur Calvin
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Re: Five Books About Food and Black Identity
(posting on Portside Culture)
Joy of Cooking is by Irma Rombauer, not Julia Child.
Nancy Schimmel
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Re: Maria Ressa’s Libel Conviction Is a Blow to Press Freedom
For another side of the story, please read Roberto Tiglao and the Manila Times:
Also, see his book of essays on recent Philippine history, Debunked, available from Amazon and other booksellers.
I am afraid the Philippines is next on the US chopping block after Bolivia and Venezuela. My wife's relatives are in direct danger, as they were in WW2.
Dave Ecklein
New York City Laundry Workers Struggle in the Face of COVID-19
Workers report facing a difficult choice between earning a living and feeling safe and healthy at their job.
By Amir Khafagy
June 26, 2020
The Appeal
It has been a difficult few months for Beatriz Ramirez since she was fired from her job at New Giant Launder Center after three years on the job. The laundromat in Queens’s Richmond Hill neighborhood supplemented her husband’s income and helped keep the lights on as well as food on the table for them and their five daughters.
The job was not easy. Ramirez, an immigrant from Mexico, routinely worked 56 hours a week for barely $6.50 an hour—well below New York State’s minimum wage—with no overtime. And according to Ramirez, despite the COVID-19 pandemic killing Black and Latinx residents at twice the rate of white residents in New York City, her employers, James and Grace Park, refused to supply protective equipment such as masks and gloves; if employees asked for them, Ramirez said, “the boss would verbally abuse us” by calling the employees rude names. Neither owner responded to The Appeal’s requests for comment.
In April, fed up with her unsafe work conditions, Ramirez sued her employers for wage theft with the help of the Laundry Workers Center, a membership-based organization that advocates for improved living and working conditions of low-wage laundry workers. “Laundry workers should have better salaries and at least make the minimum wage to all the workers in the city,” Ramirez said in a phone interview. Shortly after she filed suit, she was fired.
Faculty Network for Student Voting Rights is Growing - Join Us

Photo: Ross Taylor/Getty Images // New York Magazine
An Open Letter to College and University Faculty
We are a diverse group of faculty at all levels, at institutions throughout the United States. We would like to invite any interested faculty, from teaching assistants and adjuncts to tenured professors, to join us in founding nonpartisan national and state-level faculty networks to ensure student voting rights on and off campus.
We believe ensuring students’ ability to exercise their right to vote is an important priority for all educators. As this year of crisis plays out, we need to be on guard against stepped-up attempts to suppress voting by students. Student voters are a particularly vulnerable population because many have never registered to vote before, or are attending school in states where they have never lived and don’t know the law or procedures. They may not be able to rely on the advice of family or friends who might live in entirely different jurisdictions spread throughout the country.
In this context, the 1.3 million college and university faculty have a key role to play. We propose to create a Faculty Network for Student Voting Rights to activate faculty on behalf of their students. This new organization will help organize cross-institutional coalitions of faculty at the state level, since that is where election laws are made, and where the specific knowledge of faculty members who may be long-time residents of the state they teach in can be extremely useful to their students. Its focus will be connecting individual academics with student-led groups in their states, cities, and specific institutions to help provide support to students who are helping others navigate the sometimes frustrating process of registering to vote and then exercising their franchise.
The network will provide:
- Training materials, information on how to adhere to nonpartisan guidelines, and FAQs, drawing on national organizations like the Brennan Center for Justice;
- Access to local, regional, and national networks focused on student voting;
- A “Faculty Pledge” wherein instructors commit to helping register students, publicizing elections-related information, and lobbying campus administrations on behalf of their students’ right to vote;
- A rapid response network to respond to attacks on students and faculty who advocate for campus voting.
To support students on your campus, and in your community and state, take our Faculty Pledge to Support Student Voting Rights [hyperlinked], which includes listing your name and affiliation publicly on our website.
contact the Faculty Network for Student Voting Rights, email facnet@facultyforvotingrights.org

During our campaign for president, our historic grassroots movement was driven by people like you. Together, we knocked on millions of doors, contacted millions of voters, and held thousands of events — advancing the progressive movement across this country in unprecedented ways. Thank you for being a part of that effort.
Now, our struggle continues. Tuesday night was a big night for our movement, and it is up to us to continue working to elect progressives nationwide.
Now more than ever, it is critical that we all stay engaged and involved in our communities. That's why we're so excited to announce that we will be opening our volunteer Slack to help continue coordinating and organizing for needed, progressive change in this country.
Slack is an easy-to-use messaging program we use to stay in touch with volunteers, share resources and organizing tools, and coordinate ways to get involved — all in one place.
Over the coming weeks, our Slack will become a collaborative organizing space with representatives from leading progressive campaigns, organizations leading the movement for Black lives, and groups that are continuing the movement that our campaign's platform was built on.
Here's how it's going to look:
- Representatives from these groups will be sharing calls to action, phonebank and volunteer opportunities, and events in our #announcements channel.
- Our new #blm channel is open to everyone to share organizing opportunities, events, and resources that advance the movement for Black lives, and we encourage all to collaborate and get involved in this crucial moment.
- We have also created an #ourorganizing channel, where we invite anyone to share organizing projects they are working on that are in line with the Bernie 2020 platform and mission.
Through this Slack, volunteers on our campaign for president were able to lead and create an unprecedented, people-powered movement. In partnership with progressive campaigns, activists, and community leaders on the ground, we can’t wait to see what we will all accomplish together going forward.
Use this link to join our volunteer Slack and be a part of it all.
In solidarity,
Hamid Bendaas
Team Bernie
New Report! Workers and Learners in Los Angeles County (UCLA Labor Center)
UCLA Labor Center
675 S. Park View Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90057
Authoritarianism or Democracy? Noam Chomsky, Van Gosse, Ty dePass (Massachusetts Peace Action)
Listen here
• Sending the military to attack peaceful anti-racist protesters
• Launching armed thugs against state governments & encouraging police violence
• Firing Inspectors General without cause
• Lying about the Corona Virus
• Assaulting Truth & Science
• Packing the Courts with Right-Wing “Judges”
• Refusing to accept the oversight of Congress
• Undermining the independence of a free press
Noam Chomsky is Laureate Professor of Linguistics at the University of Arizona and Professor Emeritus of M.I.T. He has long been among the leading critics of U.S. foreign and military policies, neoliberalism and political corruption in the U.S. and other nations.
Van Gosse is a Professor of History at Franklin & Marshall. After writing about the New Left “movement of movements” for some years, he now studies black politics between the Revolution and the Civil War. He has been active in peace and solidarity work since the 1980s (CISPES, Peace Action, United for Peace and Justice) and helped found Historians Against the War, now H-PAD, in 2003.
New York-born Ty dePass was an anti-racist activist in Boston in the 70s and 80s. He is now a member of Simple Justice in Columbia, SC, and deejays Latin-Caribbean dance music drawing inspiration from Cuban independence fighter Antonio Maceo.
The webinar was presented on June 29, 2020, sponsored by the Authoritarianism Study/ Action Group of Massachusetts Peace Action and the Campaign for Peace, Disarmament, and Common Security.
Renter Nation Training Series Curriculum & Organizing Toolkit Launch (Right To The City Alliance)
Right To The City Alliance and Homes For All are excited to announce the launch of the Renter Nation Training Series Curriculum and Beyond Recovery Organizing Toolkit! In May 2020, Right To The City Alliance launched a 6 week Renter Nation Training Series to support our members, allies, and the broader community that have been activated in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Renter Nation Training Series Curriculum includes the recordings, facilitation guides, slides and audio for each session from the 6-part series, so you can help grow the power of the Renter Nation where you live! The Beyond Recovery Organizing Toolkit is designed to support impacted people in getting organized to collectively fight for themselves, their families and their neighbors!
Right To The City Alliance
388 Atlantic Avenue 3rd Floor
Brooklyn, New York 11217
844.RTT.CITY (788.2489) | info@RightToTheCity.org
Muslims Roll-Out Against Police Violence - Oakland - July 4 (Lighthouse Mosque)
Saturday, July 4, 2020 -- 12 PM – 3 PM PDT
Frank Ogawa Plaza
1 Frank H Ogawa Plaza # 299
Oakland, California 94612
This July 4th Muslims of Northern California and their Supporters will meet at Oscar Grant Plaza in Downtown Oakland for a Rally in condemnation of Anti-Blackness and Police Violence.
Dhuhr Prayer will be performed in congregation following the Rally. Please bring your own prayer rug, signs, and wear a mask!
Hosted by Lighthouse Mosque
Artists and Activists from around the world gather to honor Cuba
On Saturday, July 18th and Sunday, July 19th, these renowned and marquee virtuoso performers from the heralded Afro-Cuban music tradition will join with musicians and presenters from Canada, the United States, the Caribbean, Spain, and other European countries in “A Concert for Cuba.”
Sponsored by the Instituto Cubano de la Música /The Cuban Institute of Music, HotHouse (Chicago, IL), Raul Cuza (Montreal, Canada) and Bill Martinez (San Francisco, CA), the event will be broadcast live on HotHouseGlobal direct to destinations the world over. This unprecedented gathering has already secured the commitment of highly regarded A-list talent from the Americas and Europe.
Confirmed to date to perform are:
Alexander Abreu Y Su Timba All Stars ~ Arturo O’Farrill ~ Aruán Ortiz ~ Barbara Dane with Pablo Menéndez And Mezcla ~ Bush ~ Cimafunk ~ El Septeto Santiaguero ~ Eliades Ochoa ~
Jane Bunnett with Danae Olano and Dayme Arocena ~ John Santos ~ Jon Cleary ~ Los Van Van “Nachito” Herrera ~ Omar Sosa ~ Omara Portuondo Con La Orquesta Failde ~ Orbert Davis’ Chicago Jazz Philharmonic ~ Orquesta Aragon ~ Osain Del Monte featuring Brenda Navarrete ~ Oscar Hernández ~ Ozomatli ~ Proyecto Socio-Cultural El Patio De Adela Y El Caverchelo Comb with special guest Ben Lapidus ~ Síntesis ~ Susana Baca ~ Tom Morello.
Joining the musicians in the celebration and exploration of Cuban culture will be numerous artists, writers, and social justice activists, including David Soul ~ Danny Glover ~ Ron Perlman ~ Medea Benjamin ~ James Early ~ Judith Le Blanc ~Antonio Gonzales ~ Alicia Jrapko ~ Jontay Darko ~Juan De Marcos González ~ and Alfredo Caxaj.
Check out our new streaming platform, HotHouse Global!
HotHouse - The Center for International Performance & Exhibition
5555 N. Sheridan Rd
Apartment 1107
Chicago, Il 60640
Tel. +01 312 752 5316
Learn More - click here
Racial justice has always been a core value for Eyewitness Palestine since it began almost 2 decades ago. In 2008, we formed and lead our first People of Color focused delegations and now intentionally connect racial justice education and demands with Palestine in all of our programming. We see this summit as an extension of that work. While we started planning this summit over a month ago, the need for it is ever clearer in this present moment.
Our hope is that this summit can act as a space where those who fight for freedom, justice and equality for Palestine can expand their knowledge on the historical and deep connections between Palestine and racial justice struggles in the US. However, connecting those dots is not enough. Just like our delegations, we want every participant to leave the summit as active, accountable participants in important movements mobilizing NOW in the US - especially the liberation struggle led by Black communities.
Learn more about Eyewitness Palestine and all of our programs!
Spread the word