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What Comes After National Liberation Movements?

Imraan Buccus New Frame
History shows that the decline of national liberation movements is inevitable. Without undertaking the political work to build progressive alternatives, moving from one political epoch to another can be a movement from the frying pan into the fire.

Tidbits - Oct. 28, 2021 - Reader Comments: GOP Congress Members & White House Plotted Jan. 6 Insurrection; Military Spending Higher than Ever; Kyrsten Sinema; Trump Tax Cuts; Critical Race Theory; Larry Itliong; New film - Cuba in Africa; more

Reader Comments: GOP Congress Members & White House Plotted Jan. 6 Insurrection; Military Spending Higher than Ever; Kyrsten Sinema; Secret Conservative Group Pushed Trump Tax Cuts; Critical Race Theory; Larry Itliong; New film - Cuba in Africa;
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